About Streamline

Streamline Meditation is the purest and highest form of meditation available today.

If you’re here it’s probably because you know that meditation is good for you, but you haven’t yet found a way to make it stick.

Maybe you’re a complete beginner, perhaps you’ve dabbled with apps, listened to guided meditations, tried other techniques or done some meditation at the end of a yoga class, but all to no avail. Well, we’re happy to say that you’ve been guided to the right place now.

Streamline Meditation is the rediscovered, purest and highest form of meditation available today.

It is a simple, naturally occurring process, that is best practiced for 20 minutes, morning and evening, while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed and back supported. No fancy postures, just however you like to sit, in a quiet spot and feel relaxed.

It is completely different to other forms of meditation as it involves no repetition of mantras or watching the breath. It also requires no concentration, focusing the mind or trying to stop thoughts. Most people consider their minds are far too active to be able to meditate properly. They feel that they could never silence their thoughts and even if they could it would take a lot of effort. The good news is, both notions are completely false.

Founder, Malcolm Fletcher, discovered, meditation is a natural state.

It’s an experience that requires no effort. With over 50 years of meditation practice and working alongside Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Malcolm rediscovered the pure state of meditation is always visible to us right from the start.

This is because the state of meditation is always present. It’s already there. There has only ever been one small reason why we keep missing it. That’s because we habitually only focus on our thoughts and so miss the vast, silent field of pure consciousness from which all thoughts arise.

We just need to be shown how to reconnect with it to enjoy its remarkable benefits. This simple discovery has the power to change your life and yet it is so simple and natural. The state of meditation is something we can all access from the beginning. It’s not something that is a goal in the future. It’s always available here and now.

Meet the team

Malcolm Fletcher
Malcolm FletcherFounder of Streamline Meditation
Malcolm Fletcher, the esteemed author of “The Way of the White Lotus” (releasing soon), and founder of Steamline Meditation, maintains meditation is a naturally occurring state. It’s not a technique or method, or something we have to achieve. It’s something that already exists in our lives. The only problem is, we don’t recognise its delicate doorway and so we are constantly disturbing it and miss its tremendous significance.

With over fifty years of dedicated practice in the field of meditation, Malcolm has accumulated a specialised wealth of knowledge and insights. Throughout his spiritual journey, he has had the great honour of receiving guidance from renowned enlightened masters such as, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Tat Wale Baba, Swami Muktananda and the celebrated author of “the nameless experience”, Rohit Mehta.

Malcolm’s profound understanding of meditation has led him to discover a unique approach that transcends the limitations of conventional wisdom. A way he simply calls Streamline Meditation.

Unlike all the techniques and methods available today, it immediately reconnects us with a state that is already present within each of us.

By embracing this state on a daily basis, individuals get to tap the extraordinary power they need to transform their daily lives.

This original teaching resonates well with people from all walks of life, because it emphasises self-discovery and spiritual growth as the most important keys to live our lives in fulfillment.

“The way of the White Lotus”, is a beautiful book that will inspire and empower you to explore the extraordinary depth of your own being.

Troy Drake
Troy DrakeHead Coach & Creator of Mushin Mind

Troy Drake is a successful entrepreneur and construction industry expert with over 30 years of experience. He is the creator of the Mushin Mind App, a tool designed to promote mindfulness and enhance decision-making abilities.

Troy is also a certified NLP practitioner, life coach, Streamline Meditation Coach, Oxygen Advanced Breath Coach and Cold Water Immersion Instructor Through the Mushin Mind app and various certifications, he helps people develop a state of effortless action and intuitive decision-making.

Troy’s commitment to personal growth and empowering others makes him a valuable asset in the lives of many.

Brooke McDonald
Brooke McDonaldClient Relations Manager