The Purest Form Of Meditation, Practiced For Thousands of Years

FREE COURSE: Discover Step-By-Step How To Effortlessly Unlock Hidden Reserves of Energy, Creativity, and Mental Sharpness

Without Mantras, Forced Concentration, Breathing Techniques or Trying To “Empty The Mind”

    • Learn how just 20 minutes can fully recharge your mind for more energy, creativity, and mental sharpness

    • Discover how pure, original meditation is performed – without mantras, breath counting, or forced concentration

    • How to effortlessly silence your busy, ‘always on’ mind – and experience stillness your mind naturally craves

    • Discover the secret fundamentals to transform your mind into a constant worry-free state, allowing you to break free from your stressful thoughts and embrace a crystal-clear mindset

    • Perform the same meditation method that’s been used to transcend individuals to natural inner peace for thousands of years

    Anybody that’s looking into meditation,
    this is the one-stop-shop. This is the real deal.

    Mark S

    This practice of meditation is so transformative for one’s life. It impacts your relationships, your emotions, how you feel, and the results you’re getting in your life. It filters into everything.


    The thing I love about Streamline Meditation is its simplicity.

    I’m now able to access deeper levels of consciousness without external cues. It’s so powerful. I feel calmer and grounded which has really helped me to deal with the day-to-day stresses of life.


    Having run a business for over 5 years, I’ve always looked for ways to reduce stress from the daily grind. I’ve always heard how great meditation can be but have always struggled and failed trying different techniques and trying to teach myself. From the first workshop using the Streamline Meditation method, I felt I truly experienced what meditation was supposed to be like and could easily see the benefits.


    Meet your coach, Troy Drake

    Troy is head coach (and co-founder) at Streamline Meditation. He’s been practising Streamline’s natural meditation method for 14 years and has helped 1000+ individuals transform their lives with it.

    Troy is head coach (and co-founder) at Streamline Meditation. He’s been practising Streamline’s natural meditation method for 14 years and has helped 1000+ individuals transform their lives with it.

    Transcend To Better Results In Life – Guaranteed